CultureVerse Community Officer 에게서 온 메일 입니다.
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관심있는 분은 한인회 이메일 으로 연락주시면 담당자분과 연결해 드리겠습니다.
I'm the Community Engagement Officer at CultureVerse. We are a communications and research agency based in Melbourne. I am wondering if I can please get the contact details of the president of your organisation? I'm writing to let you know that we are currently working with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) on the VET skills campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to promote Vocational Education and Training (VET) as a pathway to employment and showcase VET opportunities and success stories, whilst changing perceptions of VET for school leavers, career changers, upskillers/reskillers and parents/career practitioners. For this campaign we are currently recruiting ambassadors for video and written case studies to be shared with the community:
Video case study - Parent focus or current student that pursued VET as their first choice pathway. This video will talk about the individual's reasons for choosing a VET course, the advantages and advice they can offer others in their community.
Written case study - also parent focus or student, in-language, exploring the benefits and results of selecting VET as their educational pathway to upskill,reskill, enter the Australian workforce for the first time or reenter the workforce.
Information session Q&A style video, designed to drive awareness of the breadth and benefits of VET courses available and debunk the misconceptions or negative perceptions surrounding VET as a pathway. This Q&A video, unlike the video case study, will be in interview format.
These are the languages that we are recruiting for:
Indian - English only
The incentive for the video case studies are $400 and for the written case studies (300 words) $80.
